Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act [WIOA]
Louisiana’s Combined State Plan - PY 2024-2027Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), states are required to submit a single, coordinated plan for all core programs under the law. To assist the Governor in the development of the state plan, Louisiana has developed a four year Strategic Plan to create the road map for the workforce system to capitalize on its strengths, identify and address opportunities, and promote continuous improvement of services. Louisiana’s Combined State Plan includes the six core programs funded under WIOA (Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Wagner-Peyser, Adult Education and Vocational Rehabilitation), as well the following partner programs:
The Strategic Plan identifies four key goals critical to successfully achieving Louisiana’s vision: Goal 1: Launching a One Door employment system, aimed at streamlining service delivery and maximizing effectiveness in meeting the needs of businesses, workers, and job seekers. Goal 2: Employing comprehensive sector and regionally-based approaches to address skills gaps, facilitate pathways into the labor force, and inform the prioritization of education and training initiatives. Goal 3: Launching new and expanding existing work-based learning initiatives, especially Registered Apprenticeship programs, that emphasize linkages between learning and job preparation. Goal 4: Enhancing Louisiana’s referral process and integrating services to improve access to tailored supportive services for individuals seeking education and employment opportunities. Although goals and strategies have been identified, the planning process is not complete. This is your opportunity to participate in the planning process, and Louisiana welcomes your input.
To review the State Plan, click here.