Minor Labor Law Seminar Request Form

The Department of Labor Programs offers free minor labor law seminars to employers. In these seminars, our compliance officers will go over all things minor labor related, including the process for obtaining an employment certificate, hour restrictions, job task restrictions, and the inspection process. Managers can also use the seminar as an opportunity to ask compliance officers questions specific to their business. They typically last between 30-45 minutes and can be conducted in person or through Zoom. Complete the form below and we will reach out to confirm a date/time.

(*) Entry Required

  1. (Layout to enter: xxxxxxxxxx)   
  2. =====================================================================================

  3.   In Person
      Via Zoom

  4. Character Count: (Min 1, Max 200, remaining 200.)

  5.   Monday

  6.   14-17 years old
      16-17 years old only

By submission of this form I would like to be contacted about having a Minor Labor Law Seminar.

If you have any other questions, please email laborprograms@la.gov.