Workers' Compensation Fraud Reporting Form

If you would like to report someone who you think may be committing workers' compensation fraud, complete the information below and press the Submit button.
You may choose to submit this information anonymously, however, this may limit the scope of the investigation.

If you would like to report workers' compensation fraud in a state other than Louisiana, please select the desired state's workers' compensation website.

(*) Entry Required

  1. Character Count: (Max 200, remaining 200.)
  2. If you are reporting an individual, do you know the social security number, race, date of birth, or approximate age?

  3. Character Count: (Max 200, remaining 200.)

  4. Character Count: (Max 200, remaining 200.)

  5. Character Count: (Max 200, remaining 200.)

  6. Character Count: (Max 200, remaining 200.)

  7. Character Count: (Max 200, remaining 200.)

If you have any other questions, please email
or call toll-free 1-800-201-3362.