Employers and representatives are required to submit and pay tax reports online through our secure login.
Don’t have the money for professional recruitment services or classified ads? No time do interviews?
YOUR company can benefit from a variety of incentives and no-cost services to get a return on YOUR investment.
Utilize our online tools, job placement services and paid training to get quick staff replacement,
reduced training periods, less turnover and lower YOUR state unemployment insurance tax rates.
Learn about new Louisiana laws that enhance employers’ obligations to confirm the citizenship or
work authorization status of their employees. Use of the federal E-Verify system offers employer
protection against possible penalties.
Employers, find and download Workers' Compensation forms.Learn about Compliance, Rules &
Procedures, Medical Services, Workplace Safety, and view information aboutthe Second Injury
Board. Also, get information on Disputed Claims or Reporting Fraud.
Learn about Louisiana's Unemployment Compensation Law and how it affects your business —
what makes a claimant eligible for benefits and when is an employer liable to pay
UI taxes. Convenient online services include filing quarterly contribution reports, viewing
your recent benefit charge statements and tax rate notices, or submitting separation notices.
Learn about UI tax rates. Find answers about tax audits and why they are performed. Apply online for
an employer account number or download a benefit charge protest form as well as find many other useful
employer forms.
Learn about training opportunities through the Incumbent Worker Training Program. Get
information about Foreign Labor Certification to permit U.S. employers to hire foreign workers.
Find out about Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and North American Free Trade Agreement
Transitional Adjustment Assistance (NAFTA-TAA). Get information and forms for the Work Opportunity
Tax Credit which is a federal tax incentive for hiring targeted applicants.
Find the needed forms and information about Louisiana Child Labor and Child Labor Laws.
Search for Apprenticeship Programs, view or download Apprenticeship Brochures, and get
information about Louisiana State Apprenticeship Law.
Where to get information about labor laws, including Child Labor, Apprenticeship, Private
Employment Service as well as information on Medical Exams and Drug Testing. Employee
citizenship or work authorization status verification requirements and use of E-Verify to
fulfill those requirements is also included.
Get the latest Federal & State Mandated Posters.
Find information about statewide occupational licensing including job descriptions,
wages, training/education required and contact information for the licensing authority.