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Apprenticeship Law

The Louisiana Revised Statutes pertaining to the Registered Apprenticeship Law are posted on the Louisiana Legislature's Web site at

Clicking on "Louisiana Laws" on the menu bar on the left side of the legislature site's main screen will bring you to a search page for the laws.

All sections of the law governing Registered Apprenticeship are found in Revised Statute 23.  Since the site, at present, requires the user to access each individual section of the statute rather than allowing the user to scroll through the entire statute, we have listed each applicable section below.

On the search page, select "RS" for the Law Body; enter "23" next to Title, Article, or Rule Number; enter the applicable number listed below for Section Number; and click on View to access the law.


381. Purposes
382. Apprenticeship Council
383. Director of apprenticeship
384. Powers and duties of director
385. Apprenticeship programs; registration and function
386. Apprentice defined
387. Contents of apprentice agreements
388. Approval of apprentice agreements; signature
389. Rotation of employment
390. Settlement of controversies or complaints
391. Limitation
392. Civil Penalties